Wedding Photography in Berkshire | Enquiries: 07827 758765

If you're looking for a professional wedding photographer in the Wokingham and Reading (RG5) areas of Berkshire you've come to the right place! Based in Woodley mid-way between Wokingham and Reading and with easy access to the M4 and South Oxfordshire we specalise in bridal portraiture and wedding photography.

Unlike some studios, I am the photographer and as such, photograph every wedding personally, so when you see my work you know that you'll receive the same quality at your own wedding. Unlike some wedding photographers we've invested in all the equipment that is needed to take your photographs under virtually any conditions. We will provide you with a very personal service, and endeavour to spoil you for choice with a diverse range of images of the highest standard to record your very special day.

While wedding and bridal photography around Reading and Wokingham area of Berkshire accounts for the majority of our work, we also photograph weddings in the nearby areas of Hampshire, Surrey and Oxfordshire.

As well as wedding photography, we can also undertake all types of portrait photography.

Availability from April 2017 until end 2017...
: Mobile Site for those with iPhone, Blackberry etc

Wedding Photography in Reading Berkshire

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Reading and Wokingham Berkshire UK


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Affordable professional digital wedding photographer and portrait photography in Berkshire

Artography Web Design in Woodley nr Reading Berkshire

Affordable professional digital wedding photographer and portrait photography in Berkshire

Bridal and wedding photography around Wokingham and Reading in Berkshire UK - the simple way to find a photographer for your wedding. Berkshire Weddings
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